Though baling time and milking cows are but a distant memory for all four of my sisters & I, the stories etched in our memory and the lessons caught along the way continue to mold and shape the kind of people we have become. Inevitably, when we go back to “The Farm” as it is called, to visit our brother and his lovely wife, we grow a little bit deeper in our understanding of what a unique era, and unique place in which we were raised.
Being “Just a Farmer’s Daughter” means that there is great value in leading a simple life, in working hard, in looking beyond the cra..., I mean manure, we find ourselves in. It means laughing after having a good cry, and forgiving after a hard fought battle with the elements that challenge our daily life. It means going back out after the rain, plucking out the weeds that clutter our minds and life.
Sometimes it means planting a new field. Sister's five ~ Simple. Yet deep. Real, sometimes rough around the edges, yet very much alive. In those moments when I have to check my grammar, or re-discover my more refined vocabulary, or feel compelled to explain the pleasure I feel in serving an old fashioned cholesterol infested evil red meat pot roast, with buttered up mashed ‘tatters and corn for supper instead of the Asian, Mexican, or European, vegetarian counterparts, this is when all I can say is “Hey, I’m just a Farmer’s Daughter.”
While reflecting on the lighter side of life and pondering some deeper meanings, it is often the people in those stories that make us laugh, or cry, and help us to see that life is a journey full of adventure, laughter, pain, but most of all, friendship. Just a Farmer's Daughter; five sisters who have grown to be grateful to the people who have learned to love despite hardships, and shortcomings and disappointments. Come as we tell you about growing up in a large family on a small centennial farm. Step back in time with us, back to the late 50-s, all the way through the early 80's (depending on which sister you are joining) to live a few memorable moments together. We will laugh, we will cry, we learn, and we will, in the end, love being . . .Just a Farmer's Daughter.